
It had been almost three years since I have last wandered the streets of Kathmandu. Not much has changed in how people carry on their day to day life if you choose to ignore few minor technical advances such as cell phones and debit/credit cards. The disparity between the rich and the poor is present and growing. The streets seem narrower with the increased population and number of vehicles running on the street. Among all the chaos and noise, you can hear the nation screaming for help. If you pay close enough attention, you can actually hear the disgust and anger towards the “leaders” of Nepal.

People are empowered which is great for developing democracies but the problem lies in the fact that very few understand the responsibilities that comes with this power. Ethnic fights are commonplace now in a land that was known for religious/cultural tolerance and harmony. However, the harmony that people saw before was just on the outside. Discriminations based on ethnicity is still present, although its prevalence has reduced significantly for most sectors. Economic instability is rampant and unemployed youth are forced to join riots and demonstrations as potential source of income.

Among all this misery, chaos and deprivation, there still lies hope that one day we all will be able to come out of this mess victorious. People are still waiting for sunaulo bihani (lit: golden morning) for Nepal and ujjwal bhawisya (lit: bright future) for its citizens. I just hope that their dream of a better tomorrow arrives in their lifetime.

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